Episode #59 - An Interview with Coach Michael Bann


Michael Bann is head coach at OPEX Fitness in Scottsdale, Arizona. Michael is currently finishing a graduate degree in kinesiology at AT Stills University. Aside from his academic education, he’s traveled the world, seeking a deeper understanding of the human body. He recognized that no matter what new information was presented, there were underlying principles that could be applied across all populations. Michael is not only inspired to coach his clients, but to educate other coaches as well. He has consulted with the United States Army and worked with professional and collegiate athletes… as well as general fitness clients seeking to look and feel their best.  

Michael has been the head coach at OPEX Fitness (formerly Optimum Performance Training) since 2014 as well as the expert consultant for The American Center for Natural Medicine, a functional medicine clinic.  Before coming to OPEX Michael had been a personal trainer and boot camp instructor, the head strength coach for a law enforcement academy, and an instructor for a strength and conditioning course at Northern Arizona University. While studying, he taught anatomy and physiology cadaver labs.  Currently Michael is finishing a graduate degree in kinesiology which he will finish in 2018.

Throughout the years he’s traveled the world seeking deeper understanding of the human body.  Aside from his academic education, he’s a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner.  He has completed courses ranging from FMS as well as SFMA, to PRI, DNS, CFSC, an Altis apprenticeship as well as completed all of EXOS’s performance mentorship courses.

Throughout his travels and continuing education, he’s recognized that no matter what new information that was presented, there were underlying principles that could be applied across all populations from pain to performance as well as body composition clients.  In the last decade, he has logged over 20,000 hours of coaching.  As well, he’s written thousands of programs to improve performance, get out of pain and improve or improve body composition.

Michael is not only inspired to coach his clients, but to educate other coaches as well.  He has consulted with the United States Army, worked with special forces and special operations, professional and collegiate athletes, as well as general fitness clients looking to feel and look their best.  He has a firm belief that principles transcend paradigms, and that dogma leads to the death of mastery.  With this vision of mastery in mind, he has traveled all over the world teaching coaches how to use the principles he recognized to elevate their own coaching craft to improve client results and their own businesses.

When he’s not busy traveling the globe teaching, you can find him in sunny Scottsdale Arizona, reading a book, writing about research he reads, or spending time with his family and dog Buddy.

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