Episode #80 - An Interview with Misty Williams


Misty Williams spent years struggling to reclaim her health and vitality after surgery to remove an ovarian cyst, life-threatening complications and an endometriosis diagnosis sent her into a brain fog and fatigue tailspin.

Her doctor told her that the only remedies for her issues were drugs and surgeries, that her labs were “normal” and she could “google” to learn more about what was happening to her body.

At 35 years old, Misty embarked on the fight for her health and vitality, enduring many more challenges on her road to healing, including an unexplained 45-lbs weight gain, debilitating brain fog, fatigue, hypthyroidism, and premature ovarian failure.

She founded Healing Rosie.com to provide women with the resources and community to successfully confront the unexpected chronic health issues that are often experienced by high-performing women as they age.

Where can people sign up for the online event or find out more about Healing Rosie?