Episode #81 - An Interview with William Shewfelt


Hello Everyone my guest today is William “red power ranger” Shewfelt!

William Shewfelt is a 23 year old actor, model, and ketogenic fitness expert who is best known for starring on Netflix and Nickelodeon's Power Rangers: Ninja Steel as Brody the Red Power Ranger

William specializes in fat loss and building muscle using a ketogenic diet. William has been training and experimenting with dieting since the age of 12—ranging from flexible dieting, intermittent fasting, and 4+ years as a strict vegan. After years of skin issues, gut problems, and never achieving a lean, muscular physique—William finally stumbled upon the ketogenic diet…and after trying a carnivorous ketogenic diet was able to achieve a ripped physique.

William recently released the Carnivore Shredding E-Book available on www.thecarnivoreshreddingprogram.com which details his approach to fat loss using intermittent fasting, a carnivorous diet, and training recommendations to achieve and maintain a lean physique year-round—without calorie counting and deprivation.

Links: www.thecarnivoreshreddingprogram.com

Instagram: www.instagram.com/williamshewfelt